Save the Associations | The Reinvention of Education Replay

The Reinvention of Education

How Associations are Contributing to the Overhaul of the American Education System

The United Nations described the global scale and pace of education disruption from COVID-19 as unparalleled. When widespread school closings led to more than one billion students being out of school worldwide, the pandemic challenged education officials to re-examine the success of existing educational structures and systems.

Months later, the future of education remains influx as schools rush to re-open, rethink traditional learning models, and rapidly build, test and pilot new structures to accommodate a completely different reality. Amid all the fear, panic and unknowns, innovation and systemic transformations are happening – and associations have been at the center of it all.

In this summit, we’ll hear from associations representing various roles and levels of education sharing how they’ve managed crisis, supported members, and influenced widespread change. Whether you are an association executive, business professional, or the parent of a student, there are valuable insights to gain from these leaders about the future of education and work, innovation, crisis management, and community-building.

Speakers & Topics

Leading Through Crisis

Most school administrators weren’t trained to run a district or school under quarantine – and the associations representing those administrators weren’t prepared for a pandemic, either. Virtually overnight these associations had to transform into being the go-to resource for emergency management and crisis planning for schools nationwide. This required the launch of entirely new initiatives, platforms, and task forces to ensure administrators were receiving the latest information and best practices for handling a crisis of unprecedented proportions.

Two of the nation’s largest school administration associations share insights into how they’ve led and innovated in a time of uncertainty, as well as what they’ve done to keep members engaged.


Dan Domenech

Dan Domenech
Executive Director
AASA: School Superintendents Association

Dr. L. Earl Franks

Dr. L. Earl Franks, Ed.D., CAE
Executive Director
National Association of Elementary School Principals

Bob Farrace

Bob Farrace, CAE
Director, Public Affairs
National Association of Secondary School Principals

Richard Wong

Richard Wong, EdD
Executive Director
American School Counselor Association

Supporting Others During Crisis

In the past, schools have offered classes and counseling to help students cope with disasters. When the pandemic hit, support had to be delivered virtually. School closures led to widespread concerns about isolation and loneliness, which affect a student’s ability to learn and cope with change and crisis. Anxiety and depression were already on the rise among Generation Z, and the pandemic’s arrival is believed to have accelerated these conditions considerably.

The American School Counselor Association, which serves counselors working with elementary to college students, has been responsive to this situation as well as the racial unrest, developing resources and support systems. Learn more about their community-building and outreach efforts and hear predictions for how this experience is likely to change the future of education and the student experience.

Working Through Crisis

From the business perspective of running a higher ed institution, making decisions during the pandemic has proven incredibly difficult. COVID-19 has affected every campus function, department, and operation, completely disrupting the entire business and financial model and workforce.

Associations have been busy pulling together critical resources and updates that specifically address college and university business office operations and responses to disruptions including but not limited to response planning, risk management, safety procedures, endowment values, finances and recovery options, employee engagement, and team management.

Hear from two influential association leaders who are contemplating not just the future of education, but the future of work in higher ed. Learn key insights related to workforce development, preparedness, and crisis planning.


Susan Johnston

Susan Johnston, PhD
President and CEO
National Association of College and
University Business Officers

MIke Moss

Mike Moss, CAE
Society of College and
University Planners

Richard Culatta

Richard Culatta, CEO
International Society for
Technology in Education

Leveraging Growth During Crisis

Unlike most industries and associations, ISTE is actually experiencing more growth and opportunity as a result of the pandemic. As a community of educators investing in or exploring the use of technology, ISTE was already supporting educators in how to apply effective learning strategies and experiences via technology.

Not surprising, when the world’s schools turned to online education, more educators began turning to ISTE to help them accelerate innovation, bridge the technology gap, and deliver value to students. The situation has opened up new challenges for the association in terms of managing growth and leveraging opportunity to respond to a growing and urgent global need.

Gain some perspective into how technology will continue to influence education and the training of our future workforce, as well as insights into how an organization can successfully leverage the crisis and rethink status quo.

Meet Your Host

The show is hosted by Sarah Sladek, a renowned membership growth strategist and futurist who has authored three books for ASAE and consulted with associations globally on cultivating the culture, processes, and value proposition needed to engage the next generation of members and remain competitive and relevant in a changing marketplace.


Save the Associations Webshow

This is a web show featuring interviews with association leaders who areleading and inspiring change initiatives to better serve their members. Research indicates the majority of associations have been observingflat or declining membership for the past decade. Yet, in this era of unprecedented disruption, there are association leaders who have risen to theoccasion, making radical changes to ‘save’ their associations from decline. 

These are their stories of success.
